February 22, 2011


I'm the first to admit it.  I never thought we would have a company blog.  What message do we want to send?  Will anyone read it?  Is it an appropriate forum to engage our customers?  What about our suppliers - is this something that publishers will embrace?

In this digital world, all businesses are supposed to have an online presence.  I took this to mean a website, and more importantly for our customers, JBO - our online selection and acquisition interface.  Anything other than the primary services to our customers was not high on my priority list.  Yet here we are.  We have The Bennett Blog.  We're also now on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook so if you use these sites for business communications please "follow" or "like" us to stay up-to-date with news, special promotions and other offers.
Do we have a message that is relevant to all those we have the privilege of doing business with?  Well the answer is a resounding YES.  Afterall James Bennett has been recognised as an industry leader by many in the publishing and bookselling world.  We have staff who are incredibly knowledgeable on all parts of the supply chain, particularly ebooks and digital reference.  We have a stable Management Team who continue to lead the organisation through an ever-changing industry.  Our sales representatives, profiling & selection staff, and operations people work hard to deliver a uniquely James Bennett service that supports the acquisition needs of our customer base.  And our customer service staff receive more accolades than we sometimes know what to do with!  In a nutshell: we know our business, we know our industry.  It's a continually changing world out there.  And we have much to share with you.

So where do we go from here?  The first thing is to have someone look at the broader communications plan.  I've already appointed an experienced marketing communications champion to look at relevant subject matters, the timing, the delivery mechanisms.  We're excited about new product offers, eResources, business developments and how the James Bennett business will deliver new and competitive services in the year ahead.

As always, let us know your expectations.  How would you like to engage with us?  We've been partners for many years.  Let's take it to another level.

Chris von Hinckeldey
Managing Director